Educational Workshops
News Junkies Inc. is a Dallas-based educational nonprofit that advocates for journalism and journalists through educational workshops, online news monitoring, and original articles/interviews researching media in the digital age. As founder and executive director, as well as a former teacher and newspaper reporter, I invite schools to consider booking a News Junkies Inc. workshop for secondary students. We provide a 90-minute workshop.
We prefer to work in a classroom with 20-30 students, with internet access and screen projector (ideally students would use their own devices, but it’s not required), and a faculty member present during the workshop. Students will learn:
History of journalism in American history and the importance of the Fourth Estate to democracy;
News reports versus opinion pieces;
The 5Ws & 1H: How to substantiate news from biased and fabricated reports;
Writing session for small groups to produce a news article and an editorial based on a given set of news facts.
All student participants will receive ‘swag’ (pens, pencils, stress balls, etc.) to promote News Junkies Inc. Our mottos are: News, not views; News matters; Just the facts. We want to encourage every young person to become a ‘news junkie’ on a daily basis and most importantly to impress upon everyone the importance of the Fourth Estate in providing the public with honest news and reporting integrity.
Our workshops adhere to cross-curricular TEKS, provided prior to presentation.
The fee for each 90-minute workshop is $100.ABOUT CHERIE BELL, NEWS JUNKIES INC. FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
I am a former award-winning newspaper reporter with experience at several Texas dailies including The Dallas Morning News. I also hold a Texas Educator Certificate in journalism. I recently retired as a public school teacher and started this nonprofit in 2018, as journalism remains a lifelong passion.
News Junkies Inc. is a recognized nonprofit on file with the State of Texas and a public charity with 501 (c) (3) tax-deductible status approved by the IRS. News Junkies Inc. does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age or religion.